Hi LT,
Although I am not a JW, nor have I ever been one...I am married to one (he's a fader now, but I always worry he'll go back). I wish there had been a support group to help me deal with the issue of having the JW's brought into my life when I first was with my husband.
Someone should write a book called - What to do when your husband/wife/boyfriend - etc, goes back to his strict religious upbringing and leaves you behind." At the time, well meaning people suggested reading Steve Hassan or Ray Franz - but when you are in a burning building you don't have time to read the operations manual for the fire extinguisher!
I accepted support from anyone who had been a JW and wasn't now. I talked to everyone I could, not always people I should be talking to, because there are some real wacko's in the world. It helped me enormously to know why my husband was behaving in the way he was, and it continues to help when we have issues because of his upbringing or JW family.
I don't care what anyone says, but being the Unbelieving Mate to a Jehovahs Witness feels like being a Muslim on September 12 - EVERYDAY!!! Especially where I live, because my husband lived in this area for 30+ years and all of his family are JW's. The full blame for him not being a super-dub rests on my head and is taken out on me and our children.
I want the support, and some days I really need the support...but like Ian, I am leary of religious people offering help. I saw how religous people have treated my husband like he was stupid because of his deeply ingrained religous beliefs. I don't like being coddled or someone going - Poor Chrystal for being married to a Jehovahs Witness....because that has happened at my parents church. I also don't want your support if its conditional on me joining your church.
I'm sorry this got so long and if I highjacked your post.
Best Regards,